Saturday, 21 November 2015

Nanowrimo Week 3 Update.

Well, week three and we are almost done with Nanowrimo, and though my word count is soaring higher and higher, I find my energy getting lower and lower. This week, and a bit of last week as well has been a little tough for me, as I am kind of, well really sick. And each time I go to the doctor I'm told something different. But with being so sick, I have a lot of time for other things, like writing.

This has been an amazing week for me, my average words per day is over 2000 which is great, and according to my Nano stats, I need to write less than 1000 words each day to finish on time. I've really been working hard, and all of my woken time is spent writing.

I found I love going to the little coffee shop, getting a hot chocolate and sitting down to write. Especially when I am stuck on something, or just need a change of scenery.

This week my goal was to hit 45,000 and as I type this I am at 43,000 so not quite there yet, but I am not done for the day. It's still early, it's not even noon yet so I have the rest of the day to hit that goal.

Plot wise I am just beginning to enter Act III which is where all of the exciting things happen. Battles shall be fought, characters will die (or not I haven't decided) and the fate of the world is decided. This novel has taken so many different turns that I didn't expect and I love that.

This is the furthest I have ever gotten in a first draft. I usually abandon projects right at the beginning of Act II, but I finally powered through that slump and I am getting into Act III. I have never been more excited to finish something.

Before Nano, I was in the big writing slump where I could think of nothing to write, but now I am beginning to get a lot of different ideas. There is a youth literary magazine that is taking in submissions, and that is my next project to work on. What I'm going to write I have no idea, but it'll be a fun project to work on.

So, since the last week of Nanowrimo is coming up, my goal should be pretty obvious, by the end of this week I want to have at least 50 000 words. If I get more than that, awesome that would be ideal. The Nanowrimo counter can be a bit odd, and count things weirdly, so it's better to be safe and have more than 50 000 words.

I'm not sure if I'm going to wait and validate my novel on the last day of November, or if I'm going to validate it when I hit that mark, but we'll see. For now, I need to keep writing, getting to the 45,000 words is not going to happen on its own.

I hope you all have a fantastic day, and happy writing.

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