Saturday, 7 November 2015

Nanowrimo Week 1 Update.

Well, the first week of Nanowrimo has flown by. And right now, things have been pretty okay. I've been keeping up with the word count, and that's all I can ask for. I have no idea how I'm going to structure these blog posts, so I'm just gonna wing it with a day by day summary. I have no idea if I'll keep doing that, but let's just see.

Day 1.
The first day, I started at midnight, and wrote a bit, but I fell asleep, and couldn't do more than I believe a thousand words. When I woke up, I wrote a ton more, and ended up with over 7000 words. By the end of that day, I was exhausted, and couldn't do anymore writing. So, I left it there.

Day 2.
Ah, day two. Day two was not my best writing day. I only wrote a few hundred words. It wasn't because I didn't have time, I just didn't want to write. But since I was already so far ahead, I didn't stress too much about it.

Day 3.
Day 3 was actually pretty good. Early that morning, I got up, and started writing. Since I didn't have any classes that day, I took advantage of the free time I had to write, and get lots of school work done. Alright, there wasn't a lot of school work being done. But there was a lot of writing done.

Day 4.
Another not super great writing day. The weather was beautiful, and I wanted to spend all morning outside, not at my laptop. So instead I went to the park and did yoga, then went to do some grocery shopping. By the time that was all done, I had class. So not a lot done.

Day 5.
This is one of the best writing days I've had passed the first day. I got a little over the standard word count. Now, my goal was 15000 but I didn't get to that goal. But I was happy with my words.

Day 6.
BEST WORD COUNT DAY! I went down to a cafe, and worked for a bit, then I worked in the park for a bit. And by 1 I had over 14,000 words. But I was not finished. I kept writing! By the end of day 5 I hit 15,000 words.

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