Sunday, 22 November 2015

Cosplay Updates.

I've been working hard on cosplaying, and all of the sewing I've had to get done. Right now, I'm working on human Bill Cipher from Gravity Falls. There are a lot of human designs of this character, and all of them are a little different.

I've taken a lot of inspiration from different designs. I wish I could draw, then I would show you exactly what I had planned.

Pattern for the tail coat design.
There are still a lot of things that I haven't figured out yet. I want to be able to do the blue flame coming out of his hand. But at the same time I want to be able to take it off when I want to.

I have a few ideas, but nothing concrete yet. When the cosplay is more wearable, you'll be sure to get some (hopefully) awesome photos.

Here is the base of the eyepatch. 

I've started planning out a few other ideas as well, but so far nothing made yet. For Wirt from Over the Garden Wall, I have most of the outfit finished, but I need to make the cape and     the hat. As well as get a wig. 

The final cosplay I've done, and have sort of finished, but not at the same time is Cecil Palmer from Welcome to Night Vale. I did a post about that cosplay: here but there is a lot I want to change to make it a little better. I want to get a long sleeved purple shirt instead of that one. Maybe a better vest, a bow tie, and some face paint to do the tattoos. But for a closet cosplay, I was pretty impressed with what I had. 

The first tail for the tail coat. 
Finally, for those who follow me for most cosplay, and geek reasons, I am thinking of setting up a Facebook fan page. Of course all of my blog posts will be posted there, as well as a lot of update photos that are just cosplay and geek related. I've been asking around, and it seems that a Facebook page might be a good idea. But it's not going to happen until probably the new year. I have a lot of things I need to be working on, but when those are done, I will for sure consider getting the cosplay fan page up and running. 

I hope you all have a great day, and good luck with your projects. :) 

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