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Now, as a disclaimer, this is my personal opinions on geeks, and geek culture, and there is nothing wrong with them. But I know there are people within the geek community who want to be healthier, and happier. I want to help them out. This is not about weight loss, this is about being a healthy person.
I want to start with being a healthy cosplayer. Being a cosplayer often involves late nights working, and a lot of being hunched over projects. And these tips can be applied to anyone in the geek culture, and anyone outside the geek culture.
1. Get up and move.
Now, as geeks, we like to spend our time sitting and watching tv shows, or reading, or working on cosplay projects, but your body needs to move. At least for a half an hour get up and do something. Laundry, a walk, some gentle yoga, anything. Just move your body a little bit. It'll help your back, neck, and it'll give you more energy.
2. Drink water.
I feel like this is my advice for anything health related, but it's super important. No one drinks enough water, but still, we all can use a little more water. So instead of drinking red bull, or pop... or ramune (my guilty pleasure) get some water, and drink that up. I know water doesn't have the best taste to it, but I can promise you will get used to it. Until then, you can infuse your water with fruit, and a million other things. There are tons of ways to infuse your water to make it taste better.
3. Take breaks.
When you are marathoning tv shows, or working to midnight on cosplays, please take short frequent breaks. This will prevent strain on your eyes, your brain, and your body as a whole. These breaks can be anything from going to the bathroom, to making a snack, to just getting up and stretching a little bit. Trust me, when you take these breaks, your body will thank you. And as a side tip for the book lovers, make sure you have good lighting to read. I don't want you to strain your eye balls.
4. Healthy eating.
Now, I'm not talking eating super clean, and super strict diets, no not at all! Please, don't do super strict diets. Instead, replace junk foods with some healthier options. In the summer, my favourite snack is frozen grapes, and it has taken the place of ice cream for me. Just dried fruit, or unsalted nuts instead of chips. Just simple little changes to make you feel a little bit better.
5. Sleep!
Now, I know this is super difficult for a lot of us. I am no exception to this, I know I need to sleep more. But we should be getting between 6-8 hours of sleep. So get some sleep tonight. If you are struggling, then turn off your screens for a half hour before bed. Try and go to sleep and wake up at around the same time everyday. You need to sleep.
I guess this advice could be applied to anyone, but for me I want to talk specifically to the geeks and nerds of the world. Please, look after your bodies. We do not have robot technology to build you a new body just yet, so look after the body you have. I plan on doing a post specifically on convention health a little later, so stay tuned for that.
So, to all of the nerds and geeks out there, what do you guys do to stay healthy?