Wednesday, 30 September 2015

Watching the World Go By.

Autumn is here, and the air is crisp and cool. I still cannot stop coughing, but I am happy to be dressing in my usual layers. And with the world slowing down for it's long winters sleep, I find myself thinking: fall really is my favourite season.

The colours are beautiful, curling up in a big sweater with a book, and pumpkin spice everything doesn't hurt. Sitting in a local coffee shop with my pumpkin spice latte, and a scarf I cannot help but feel totally content. With the hustle and bustle of city life I find myself forgetting to slow down a little bit. I know I don't want to turn into one of those people who cannot wait for anything.

I need to remember my love for little things. My love of relaxing, and just watching the world go by. Just observing. I feel like fall is really the best time for people watching. It's not super crowded with tourists, so there is a chance to study people more closely, and the weather isn't unbearably hot.

My goal for the upcoming weeks is to spend time just sitting and people watch. Reflect on my own life, and just relish in the colours and silence of autumn. Because soon, autumn will make way to the icy nip of Jack Frost's winter chill, and the world will sleep.

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