I was rather recently informed of the UNs global goals for 2015. These goals are things all governments need to improve upon by 2030, and in total there are 17 of these goals all spreading vastly different parts of our lives.
These are incredibly important things to care about. They will not only benefit the lives of those close to you, but lives in developing countries, and those less fortunate.
I wanted to bring awareness to such a topic because these goals won't be achieved unless everyone cares, and everyone does something to help. Governments need to listen to what their people need and want, corruption is a huge factor in many of the issues we are facing today.
No one should be starving, and everyone should go to school, and everyone should feel like their rights are being protected no matter who they are. All of the goals are explained in more detail at Global Action. But in brief, here are the 17 areas which the UN wants to improve by 2030.
1. Poverty
2. Hunger and food security.
3. Health
4. Education
5. Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment
6. Water and Sanitation
7. Energy
8. Economic Growth
9. Infrastructure Industrialization
10. Inequality
11. Cities
12. Sustainable consumption and production
13. Climate Change.
14. Oceans
15. Biodiversity, forests, and deforestation
16. Peace and Justice
17. Partnerships.
The UN website has a lot more detail about what their goals are for the upcoming years. But if no one knows what the plans are, then the goals are impossible to achieve. There is something we can all do to help. Even if it is just small things. Stay informed, and spread the word.
On twitter there is a discussion, just follow #action2015 or #globalgoals. The internet is an incredible place to learn about anything we could possibly want, from any angle we could ever imagine. Take advantage of it, and help the UN make changes that will benefit the whole of humanity.
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