Wednesday, 30 September 2015

Watching the World Go By.

Autumn is here, and the air is crisp and cool. I still cannot stop coughing, but I am happy to be dressing in my usual layers. And with the world slowing down for it's long winters sleep, I find myself thinking: fall really is my favourite season.

The colours are beautiful, curling up in a big sweater with a book, and pumpkin spice everything doesn't hurt. Sitting in a local coffee shop with my pumpkin spice latte, and a scarf I cannot help but feel totally content. With the hustle and bustle of city life I find myself forgetting to slow down a little bit. I know I don't want to turn into one of those people who cannot wait for anything.

I need to remember my love for little things. My love of relaxing, and just watching the world go by. Just observing. I feel like fall is really the best time for people watching. It's not super crowded with tourists, so there is a chance to study people more closely, and the weather isn't unbearably hot.

My goal for the upcoming weeks is to spend time just sitting and people watch. Reflect on my own life, and just relish in the colours and silence of autumn. Because soon, autumn will make way to the icy nip of Jack Frost's winter chill, and the world will sleep.

September Favourites.

So, the first month of school has just flown by. And like most people, there are things that I have fallen in love with. So without further adieu, my first favourites list. I have no idea if I'll be doing these every month, but we'll see. And I will not be listing everything, but enough to have a decent list of things I love.

Alright, so I've been going back to some of my old interests. One of those being anime, and I have been watching a lot of anime this month. Actually over the last few months, but regardless, here are the shows I have fallen in love with.

Madoka Magica: This show is so cute, and so sweet, and ripped my heart out. The animation style is stunning, the story line is interesting, and it's just so amazing in so many different ways. There are three movies as well to go along with the series, however two of the movies are a compilation of the entire anime series. But the other movie is just heart breaking as well.

Attack on Titan: Now, when I first started it, I am not going to lie, I didn't like it that much. However, I continued watching episode after episode. It's safe to say the series has grown on me. The animation is again so beautiful to watch, and the story line is interesting and heart breaking. The one big drawback besides the gore is the series ended on a huge cliff hanger, and it won't be back for a while.

Devil is a Part Timer: I watched this after I finished Madoka Magica, and Attack on Titan, I needed something light and funny. This fit the bill perfectly. It's goofy, cute, has a bit of a dirty sense of humour, and the characters are so likeable. If you are looking for something silly, a little childish, but still fun I highly recommend The Devil is a Part Timer.

I figured I would add cartoons to this list, because there are two cartoons that I need to mention.
One is Gravity Falls. Gravity Falls is about twins Dipper and Mabel and their summer with their Great Uncle Stan in the sleepy town of Gravity Falls. This show is so intricate, and there are mysteries within the mysteries. The characters are funny, and relatable, the villains are surprisingly scary for a kids cartoon.

The second cartoon is a super short series called Over the Garden Wall. Now, I have watched bits of it before, but I could never find where to watch it. That was until now. I finished the whole series in the course of an evening. And I am so glad I did. The series is a little weird, but one has to expect that from Cartoon Network. But the story telling in this is beautiful, and is riddled with symbolism and so many deeper meanings. The Beast, the main villain of the story is terrifying. He is one of the most serious, scary villains I have seen in a show meant for kids.

For me, this wouldn't be a favourites list if I didn't include books. Now, I haven't been reading a lot, but that's because after I moved, I don't own many books now. But one that I did finish not that long ago was Steven Kings the Shining. This book was scary, and intriguing, and I had such a hard time putting it down. There is a reason this book is so iconic.

The final favourite I want to squeeze in here is the laptop case I bought at some anime store here in the city. It is a little small, but it's super durable, and I find myself taking it everywhere. Plus the Attack on Titan wings of freedom are nice touch.

Those are most of my favourites for this month, hopefully next month, I'll have more interesting things to write about. Tell me, what sort of things do you want me to blog about?

Saturday, 26 September 2015

Global Goals.

I was rather recently informed of the UNs global goals for 2015. These goals are things all governments need to improve upon by 2030, and in total there are 17 of these goals all spreading vastly different parts of our lives.

These are incredibly important things to care about. They will not only benefit the lives of those close to you, but lives in developing countries, and those less fortunate.

I wanted to bring awareness to such a topic because these goals won't be achieved unless everyone cares, and everyone does something to help. Governments need to listen to what their people need and want, corruption is a huge factor in many of the issues we are facing today.

No one should be starving, and everyone should go to school, and everyone should feel like their rights are being protected no matter who they are. All of the goals are explained in more detail at Global Action. But in brief, here are the 17 areas which the UN wants to improve by 2030.

1. Poverty
2. Hunger and food security.
3. Health
4. Education
5. Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment
6. Water and Sanitation
7. Energy
8.  Economic Growth
9. Infrastructure Industrialization
10. Inequality
11. Cities
12. Sustainable consumption and production
13. Climate Change.
14. Oceans
15. Biodiversity, forests, and deforestation
16. Peace and Justice
17. Partnerships.

The UN website has a lot more detail about what their goals are for the upcoming years. But if no one knows what the plans are, then the goals are impossible to achieve. There is something we can all do to help. Even if it is just small things. Stay informed, and spread the word.

On twitter there is a discussion, just follow #action2015 or #globalgoals. The internet is an incredible place to learn about anything we could possibly want, from any angle we could ever imagine. Take advantage of it, and help the UN make changes that will benefit the whole of humanity.

Thursday, 24 September 2015

The Catcher in the Rye 101.

As I was finishing The Catcher in the Rye, I knew I wanted to write some sort of blog post about it. However, my challenge was in deciding if it was a book review, or a book discussion. As I am typing this, I realize I want this to be a little bit of both. So I am calling it The Catcher in the Rye 101.

The Catcher in the Rye is about a young boy named Holden Caulfield who has been kicked out of yet another school. Not much after that happens. Holden bums around New York City talking to various different people from various different point of their own lives.

This book is usually forced upon students in English class, so I can see why many don't like it. I however enjoyed it. It wasn't my favourite book of all time, but I still really liked it. Holden is at a stage in his life where he trying to come to terms with growing up. A theme that all of us I assume can relate to.

Holden doesn't know what he wants to do with his life, he doesn't know who he is, but all around him, everyone has everything all figured out. And he does not like it. I personally feel like Holden is one of the most relatable characters. We all have had feelings of being scared of being a failure, and not living up to the expectations put upon us.

Even though there isn't a lot of action in this book, the people that Holden meets, and talks to all give the reader a feeling of normality. It all feels like Holden is just going about his day, and we as the reader are along for the ride. It's a nice feeling to read something, and know in the back of your head that something huge isn't coming. But at the same time, the book does have a lot of slow elements to it. I found myself asking "who cares" at several points through the book.

So, do I recommend The Catcher in the Rye? Yes, I do, but I recommend it with an air of caution. Do not go into this book with huge expectations for profound realizations during your first read through. The Catcher in the Rye is a book that you do need to read more than once. But each time you read it, you do get something different out of it.

If you are interested in going more in-depth in themes, symbols, and the background, check out John Green's crash course videos about this book. Crash Course The Catcher in the Rye Part 1.

Saturday, 19 September 2015

Pacific Mall Trip.

Ever since I moved to Toronto, one of the places I wanted to go was the Pacific Mall. The Pacific Mall is an Asian mall, and they sell a bunch of different things imported from Japan, China, the Philippines, and a bunch of other countries.

Today I finally found a moment to go there. And it was such an interesting experience. It felt like I had walked into another world, or another country. There were so many different languages, that I couldn't read or understand. I felt a little out of place. 

But I began to find things I recognized. From anime characters, to food that I had heard of before, there were a few things that made me a little more comfortable. Next time I go, I will buy more than just a cardigan that I needed. Next time I go, I will buy a few snacks that I have always wanted to try. 

I have been loving my life in the city. With new things to try, and new foods to eat, new places to go, everyday can be an adventure. I there are a few other places that I want to explore while I am here, luckily I have all the time in the world. 

The rain is pouring outside, creating a soothing pitter patter noise, and I am happy with my adventuring. Hopefully I will have more adventures to write about. 

Friday, 18 September 2015

Value Village Haul.

These types of things are usually done through video. But I am not too comfortable with talking in front of a camera, nor do I have the means to. I live in a basement room in a house shared by several other people. But perhaps when summer comes I'll start making youtube videos. I am still undecided.

Now, the other day I took a quick trip to value village to look for somethings for a cosplay, and a pair of running shoes. However, I didn't find either of those. I did find some other beautiful treasures.
These are the most comfortable pants.
They remind me so much of the film
Beetlejuice. Just in time for Halloween. 
This jacket was a little more expensive
than what I am used to spending
on used clothing. But I knew I couldn't
find a better price anywhere. It's perfect. 

A simple vest piece. A must for any
sort of gentleman. Colour is a darker green
than what you see in the image.

I have loved shopping at value village since I was a little girl. I never used to like shopping. I could never find things I liked. These pieces are so beautiful, and amazing. I cannot wait for the weather to cool to wear them. Especially the jacket. I hope you all have a wonderful day. 

Thursday, 17 September 2015

Feeling Small.

I am sitting in the larger campus of my school, and I am feeling so very small. This place is huge, there are so many buildings, and so many levels. This is certainly something I am not used to, and I am not sure I like it.

I feel very out of place in such a large campus, but I am only here for a little bit while I write my English assessment for my program. It's one day, it's only a few hours.

However, being here, I am reminded of all the other times I felt small. Sitting in front of the mountains in Norway, my first trip to the CN tower, flying over the ocean, and seeing the curve of the Earth. There are a lot of things that make me feel small.

I don't know if this is a feeling I like, all I know is that it makes me feel very anxious. And that is something I know I don't like.

This was more of a ramble post, something I just wanted to get out while I wait for my examination to begin. I have about five minutes, so it is time to pack up my things, and get ready for the easiest part of today.

Saturday, 12 September 2015


Over the last few weeks, I have found myself missing fictional writing. I used to always have a new idea for a story every few days. I wrote poems, and short stories, and articles, and novels, and plays. I wrote everything. But now, my creativity has been reduced to a blog post once every few days. Don't get me wrong, I love my blog, and I love writing on it, but, it's not the same.

I remember struggling with this last year too. And so in order to help me, I decided to open a figment account. Figment is a place for writers of all kinds to post their works, and get their works read. That didn't last long. I only posted two things. And none of them got read.

However today, I was hit with a desire to write a poem about an issue I have been having in my personal life. And when I finished, I didn't entirely hate it. I actually kind of liked it. So I logged back onto my figment account, and posted it. Then I noticed something. The other two pieces on there were drafts. I never actually published them through the site. So I fixed that.

I want to get back into writing, and this is a good time of year to do it. I will let you know a little bit more about that as it gets closer. I also have an idea for a youtube thing, but I am not going to say anything on it, until I get the equipment, and I know I can keep it up. So, I am hopefully back into writing full swing.

If you do wish to read my stories you can find them here:

I hope you all have a wonderful day. :)

Friday, 11 September 2015

First Week of School.

So, my first week of college has just finished up, and I really think I am going to like it here. The students in my class seem friendly enough. But I still feel a little out of place. So many of the students are so much older than I am. They have had life experience, and they all seem to know how life outside of high school works. And I feel like I am in way over my head. However, my schedule is good, and I have lots of time off for work, and doing things I like.

My classes are great, and I love learning about things I'm interested in. I do hope the rest of my year goes as well as this first week.

Wednesday, 9 September 2015

Dear Suicidal Me.

This post was inspired by a blogger by the name of Courtney. Thank you so much for allowing me to use this idea. World Suicide Prevention day is tomorrow, and I wanted to do something for that day. So here it is: Dear Suicidal Me. A letter to myself when I was at my lowest point.

Dear Suicidal Me,

It truthfully has been a long time since I thought of you. I wish I could think of you more, but sadly, I fear that will turn me back into you. I remember so clearly sitting in my room, in the dark, not feeling a thing. Not sad, not angry, nothing. When I reflect on it, I am terrified of how empty I felt.

But still to this day I wonder where all of those feeling came up. You had everything going for you, friends, a talented partner, parents that sort of accepted who you are. But still, it wasn't enough. You never actively tried to kill yourself. But would it matter if it was an accident?

I remember you stopped eating, stopped sleeping trying to figure out the point to it all. To life, to love, to sunrises and sunsets. Sadly, you came up with an answer that now, I strongly disagree with you on. You decided that there was no point, and the world would go on just as easily without you.

But that cannot be any further from the truth. You have so many adventures ahead of you, you did things that you could never have dreamed of. And for that, I am so proud of you. You went through therapy, took your medications like a champ (even if you do accidentally forget to take your pills to this day) and began recovering.

Suicidal me, you don't exist anymore, or at least, you are not part of all that I am. I will never say that I regret meeting you. You taught me about how strong I can actually be. You make life's challenges so much easier. Because I survived you, I can survive an exchange year, I can survive college, I can survive the real world. So thank you. Please, never fully return, just live as a memory in the back of my mind. A reminder to what rock bottom really is.

Almost fully recovered Basil.

Tuesday, 8 September 2015

Super late September Tbr.

So, here are the books I plan to read through the month of September. Two of them I have already started, but with the beginning of school, I have no idea how much reading time I am going to get. However, with a super long bus route, I could be getting a lot of time.

Now, my rules for my tbr is: if I don't finish them, they go to next month, this way I don't have a huge pile of books to be read, and never getting to them.

I will be reviewing Ender's Game (the bottom one) and I might do a discussion, literary thing on The Catcher in the Rye. But I promise nothing. I don't feel like I need to do a review on The Shining, because it is so iconic, and everything I have to say will just be repeats of what every other person who has read this books says.

I hope you all have a good night, and I'm going to try and get some sleep.