Lately I've been designing what I want my Bill Cipher vest to look like, and what I want the tails to look like as well. Right now I'm working on embroidering the tails. Now since I have never done anything like this before by machine, let alone by hand, it's been a bit of a trial and error. But I'm making it work. So far I'm still not sure if I like the regular yellow thread or if I should get some real embroidery thread and a proper needle.
The only down side to that is it's going to cost me more money that I really don't want to spend. So maybe I'll stick with this for now, and wear it. and we'll see if I want to revamp it at a later date. Since I again stupidly forgot to bring home the vest, there is little I can do in the way of playing with it, and attaching the tails. So that's going to have to wait until March when I head back to the home town.
Next costume I am currently working on is Urushihara from the Devil is a Part Timer. The rest of this costume will be made at the home town. But I do have the DS painted. In the series you see the character either on the computer or playing a hand held gaming system. And I knew I had an old DS laying around that no one uses. So I decided let's paint it purple to match the rest of the colour palette of the character.

The last costume is fem Germany from Hetalia. There isn't a lot involved in that. I need to work out a lot more. As well as get over the ear headphones, and bleach my hair. But besides those two little things. I would say it's pretty much done. I mean, she wears a sports bra, jeans, boots, and a jacket over her shoulders. One thing I keep forgetting is the iron cross that I thing I might make out of wood. It'll be something that my family will have lots of scrap wood to make a little iron cross then paint it. It'll be sturdy enough, and I think it would look quite good.
If my brother and I were closer I could ask him to make me one out of scrap metal, but I'm not going to do that. I'll ask my dad's help during my week off in the spring. For now, that's all of the updates I have for you.
If you want to see my cosplay Facebook page then click: here and feel free to like it if you want. I need to update that page more, but I don't.
Have a wonderful day. :)
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