This is not going to be a super happy post, and I am sorry about that, but there are things that I need to get out there. Here is your warning now, I will be talking about depression, anxiety, and eating disorders. So if that makes you feel uncomfortable in anyway, please, feel free to skip this post. I want you to feel safe.
For the last little while, I've been struggling with my mental health. More so than usual, and in different ways. And the first big one is my weight. I'm not large, I know I'm not fat. So why do I feel like I am? Lately I've been forcing away panic, and anxiety just so I can eat regularly. I'm pretty much underweight now, but it's because my metabolism makes it hard for me to gain weight. But even so, I never want to eat any more.
Food used to give me a lot of joy, and excitement. I used to eat just as much as I love to cook. But now, I'll cook something, and not want to eat it. Or I'll be trying so hard to find the healthiest ingredients, and not be able to use anything else. Like instead of wanting to make like brownies, or biscotti or something like that, I'm obsessively looking at dessert alternatives.
Healthy eating is great and all, but not when wanting a cookie causes so much anxiety. I've exhibited anorexic habits in the past. But they had very little to do with my weight. Now, I'm scared I'll have those habits again, but it'll be because of my weight. I don't want to end up sick and dying. But for some reason, things are just not going well up in the old noggin.
And my depression has come back in a lot of difficult to deal with ways. There have been a lot of dark nights. For me, my depression results in insomnia. So lately I'll go to bed between midnight and two in the morning, and wake up at six or seven. This is not healthy. I should not be feeling like this. But I am, and I don't know why, and it's beginning to scare me.
I am really sorry if blog posts are off, or if you read my tumblr poetry and it's a little dark. I've been trying to keep up this persona of joy, and happiness, but it's a struggle right now. And the fact that it could be any number of things does not help at all. I don't know where to begin fixing my little head, and getting myself back to being happy. I love all of my readers, and I hope you are all having a wonderful day. If you ever want to talk to me, all of my contacts are on the side of my blog, and drop by any time. You are all welcome in my little fairy kingdom. Hope your day has been wonderful.
Tuesday, 16 February 2016
Sunday, 14 February 2016
The Martian Review.
Alright, so I flipped back and forth as to whether or not I wanted to do a review of this book, and I decided I totally should. I have a lot of feelings and thoughts about this book. So let's get stared.
In a nutshell the book is about Mark Watney, a botanist, and an engineer who gets stuck alone on Mars. And the book follows his fight to survive Mars, and get back to Earth.
Now, I listened to this book on audio, and I really think that helped me actually be interested in the book. If I would have read it as a paper back, I think I would have been bogged down with all of the math, and the numbers. There is a lot of science that I didn't understand, but I'm sure there are people who do understand the science, I'm not one of them.
However the book is very good at not info dumping. So the author doesn't throw a lot of numbers or a lot of science at you. There is a little bit, but the book would have lost a lot without the math.
What I didn't expect is for the book to be as funny as it was. I found myself laughing out loud at a lot of the things that came from the book. And yes there are some very dark moments, those moments quickly have something funny following so the reader isn't too depressed.
As a kid I was always interested in space, and this book is just super interesting to read. From what I have read about the book, the author did a lot of research into the workings of NASA, and space travel. Even if it isn't accurate, it's interesting to read especially if you are into space travel.
This is a book I went in, having little to no idea what the book was about. I knew it was about a guy stuck on Mars. But there is a lot more as well. The book talks about his relationships with his other crew mates, and the complex plans to get him back to Earth, and the incredible things he had to do to survive.
This is a very modern survival story, that is rooted in science. And I loved every moment of this wild ride. It was witty, and smart, and I was never bored.
The narrator also did a very good job of capturing Mark, and now I'm not sure I can see the movie. Simply because what I imagine Mark to sound like is already ingrained in my head. There is a down side to R.C Bray's reading, and that is he is terrible at accents. There are characters who are Asian, and German, and other ethnicities, but he just cannot do accents at all. But still, it was an incredible experience to listen to him read.
I would highly, highly recommend this book for anyone who is interested in science, and space travel. As well as for people who just want something a little different to read.
In a nutshell the book is about Mark Watney, a botanist, and an engineer who gets stuck alone on Mars. And the book follows his fight to survive Mars, and get back to Earth.
Now, I listened to this book on audio, and I really think that helped me actually be interested in the book. If I would have read it as a paper back, I think I would have been bogged down with all of the math, and the numbers. There is a lot of science that I didn't understand, but I'm sure there are people who do understand the science, I'm not one of them.
However the book is very good at not info dumping. So the author doesn't throw a lot of numbers or a lot of science at you. There is a little bit, but the book would have lost a lot without the math.
What I didn't expect is for the book to be as funny as it was. I found myself laughing out loud at a lot of the things that came from the book. And yes there are some very dark moments, those moments quickly have something funny following so the reader isn't too depressed.
As a kid I was always interested in space, and this book is just super interesting to read. From what I have read about the book, the author did a lot of research into the workings of NASA, and space travel. Even if it isn't accurate, it's interesting to read especially if you are into space travel.
This is a book I went in, having little to no idea what the book was about. I knew it was about a guy stuck on Mars. But there is a lot more as well. The book talks about his relationships with his other crew mates, and the complex plans to get him back to Earth, and the incredible things he had to do to survive.
This is a very modern survival story, that is rooted in science. And I loved every moment of this wild ride. It was witty, and smart, and I was never bored.
The narrator also did a very good job of capturing Mark, and now I'm not sure I can see the movie. Simply because what I imagine Mark to sound like is already ingrained in my head. There is a down side to R.C Bray's reading, and that is he is terrible at accents. There are characters who are Asian, and German, and other ethnicities, but he just cannot do accents at all. But still, it was an incredible experience to listen to him read.
I would highly, highly recommend this book for anyone who is interested in science, and space travel. As well as for people who just want something a little different to read.
Saturday, 13 February 2016
5 Least Favourite Anime Characters.
I was talking to a group of friends about anime characters, and usually those conversations are about the one's we love. But this time it's about the one's we disliked, and so I thought it would be fun to make a list of my least favourite anime characters. These one's are actually in order of most to least liked. And just as a disclaimer these are all just my personal opinions, and don't really mean much.
5. Eren Jaeger. (Attack on Titan)
I have a lot of weird feelings about this character. On one hand he is the most annoying, dramatic character I have ever seen. On the other hand, his dramatic nature is hilarious, and I find myself still rooting for him. He has some awesome moments, and a lot of really bad moments. But he far from my favourite character.
4. Emi Yusa (The Devil is A Part Timer)
She has a lot more redeeming moments than most of the other characters on this list, but I found she ticked me off so much. She is way too stubborn, and refuses to give in to what she sees the decent person Maou is. And her stalkerish nature comes off as kind of annoying. I'm also a little biased with this character because I loved Maou and Ashiya a lot.
3. Light Yagami. (Death Note)
He is just... well, he's the bad guy, so I guess you're not supposed to like him, but aside from all of the reasons your not supposed to like him, he's also boring. I found his character to be very dull to watch, and I would rather learn more about L than Light. Heck Matsuda was more interesting than Light.
2. Kouki Ichinose (Ore Monogatari)
This guy, oh this guy made me mad. Now, he was a jerk before he fell in love with Yamato, but he was a bigger jerk afterwords. I had a lot of feelings of dislike over this guy, and I just did not like him in any way shape or form. He had very few redeeming qualities, as well as I could be pretty biased considering how much I loved Takeo and Yamato together and didn't want this guy to come in between that. As well, he isn't seen much in the series, but I still don't like him.
1. Tuxedo Mask (Sailor Moon)
Now, when I say Tuxedo Mask, I don't mean Mamoru. I liked him, he was sassy, and hilarious, and like a nice guy. Tuxedo Mask however needs to step down. Literally give him pom poms, and a cheer uniform and he's just as powerful. I really, really don't like this character, but I know a lot of girls love him. But in my opinion, all he does is throw a rose, say a cheesy speech, then stand there for the rest of the battle. One of the sailor scouts could do that job. I have a lot of aggressive feelings towards Tuxedo Mask, more than I should.
I hope you enjoyed this little list. If you do like any of these characters, I am sorry but these are my thoughts and feelings on them. If you agree with me on any of these characters then awesome! I hope you all have a wonderful day! :)
5. Eren Jaeger. (Attack on Titan)
I have a lot of weird feelings about this character. On one hand he is the most annoying, dramatic character I have ever seen. On the other hand, his dramatic nature is hilarious, and I find myself still rooting for him. He has some awesome moments, and a lot of really bad moments. But he far from my favourite character.
4. Emi Yusa (The Devil is A Part Timer)
She has a lot more redeeming moments than most of the other characters on this list, but I found she ticked me off so much. She is way too stubborn, and refuses to give in to what she sees the decent person Maou is. And her stalkerish nature comes off as kind of annoying. I'm also a little biased with this character because I loved Maou and Ashiya a lot.
3. Light Yagami. (Death Note)
He is just... well, he's the bad guy, so I guess you're not supposed to like him, but aside from all of the reasons your not supposed to like him, he's also boring. I found his character to be very dull to watch, and I would rather learn more about L than Light. Heck Matsuda was more interesting than Light.
2. Kouki Ichinose (Ore Monogatari)
This guy, oh this guy made me mad. Now, he was a jerk before he fell in love with Yamato, but he was a bigger jerk afterwords. I had a lot of feelings of dislike over this guy, and I just did not like him in any way shape or form. He had very few redeeming qualities, as well as I could be pretty biased considering how much I loved Takeo and Yamato together and didn't want this guy to come in between that. As well, he isn't seen much in the series, but I still don't like him.
1. Tuxedo Mask (Sailor Moon)
Now, when I say Tuxedo Mask, I don't mean Mamoru. I liked him, he was sassy, and hilarious, and like a nice guy. Tuxedo Mask however needs to step down. Literally give him pom poms, and a cheer uniform and he's just as powerful. I really, really don't like this character, but I know a lot of girls love him. But in my opinion, all he does is throw a rose, say a cheesy speech, then stand there for the rest of the battle. One of the sailor scouts could do that job. I have a lot of aggressive feelings towards Tuxedo Mask, more than I should.
I hope you enjoyed this little list. If you do like any of these characters, I am sorry but these are my thoughts and feelings on them. If you agree with me on any of these characters then awesome! I hope you all have a wonderful day! :)
Tuesday, 9 February 2016
Station Eleven Review.
Station Eleven by Emily St. John Mandel was an amazing ride from start to finish. And this book has everything that I love in it. Theatre, the end of the world, comic books, crazy prophets, and no distinct villain.
The book follows the story of several characters, mainly Kirsten, and actor in Year Twenty who works with the Travelling Symphony preforming Shakespeare all over North America. The other character is Arthur Leander another actor preforming King Lear in Toronto before he dies of a heart attack on stage. The book goes through his life, and his three ex-wives.

There is a lot more to this story, and all of the characters are so expertly woven together, and pretty much every character has some importance. I find with complex plots that interconnect and jump between flash backs, and the current time can be very confusing and difficult to follow. Station Eleven wasn't like that. And even characters you expect to just stop appearing after the outbreak, actually do keep appearing.
The characters themselves are also really interesting, but we don't learn a lot about them. We learn a lot about Arthur, and a bit about Kirsten, but there are still a lot of questions unanswered. I know some people hate this, but I kind of like it.
The climax is a little anti-climatic, and feels a bit rushed, but the pacing of the rest of the story makes up for it. It's a very quick read, but still a very interesting one.
And personally, I don't think the book is meant to be about the plot, but rather the relationships between this large cast of characters. All of these characters are connected expertly, and it's like a giant web. Even though the plot is nothing super special, the way St. John Mandel twines up the lives of all of these characters in a way that makes sense is amazing.
The world of Station Eleven is very well built, and you could easily picture it. Even though it is our lives after the end of the world, there is still world building to be done. And I like what the author did with futuristic North America. And what to me was most interesting is that one of the stories in the book takes place only 20 years into the future. Unlike a lot of dystopians I've read where it's hundreds of years.
Having this point in time is terrifying. You read apocalypse books, and they take place in the distant future. But this end of the world could take place today. And that was a really good choice in my opinion. It added another level of fear to this book.
So despite not having a huge climax, I really enjoyed this book. It was something I didn't think I was going to like as much as I did. But Station Eleven became the book I didn't know I wanted.
Sunday, 7 February 2016
Princess Jellyfish Review.
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Our quirky cast of characters |
Alright, so I like to be able to have background noise for when I’m working on stuff. Usually the background noise is audio books, or podcasts, but lately it’s been anime, and tv shows. So, I’ve been getting through short series quite quickly. One of those series was Princess Jellyfish.
Princess Jellyfish is about a woman Tsukimi who lives in what her and her housemates call ‘the nunnery’. They are a bunch of otaku (nerd) women who live together, and are safe to obsess over their chosen thing. In the case of Tsukimi, it’s jellyfish. One day she goes to talk to the jellyfish at a local pet store, and she finds that there are two jellyfish in the tank that shouldn’t be put together. With bad social anxiety it’s difficult for her to tell the shop keeper to switch the tanks.
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After the make over. |
However a beautiful woman comes and saves the day, and our main character ends up buying the jellyfish. In the morning she finds out that this beautiful princess who saved her is actually a boy. And her adventure with Kuranosuke begins.
This series is so cute, and so sweet. It’s all about being yourself, but letting your best beauty shine though. It isn’t about changing yourself to suit other peoples standards. Yes almost all of the otaku characters go through a bit of a makeover. But they always change back into the clothes they are most comfortable in.
This is a super short show, and my biggest complaint is it left me feeling a little underwhelmed. I expected a lot more from the last episode and there were a lot of things that were just kinda left ignored and unanswered. I’m all for open endings, but this one lacked the big finale thing that I was looking for. All in all the series was amazing.
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Our pretty anime boy. |
The characters are all quirky in their own ways. And you find yourself finding you identify with the characters passion for the things they love. It’s also really nice to see characters that aren’t conventionally attractive, and have major social issues, and social anxiety. I love anime, and series that challenge the stereotypes a little bit.
My favourite character was Kuranosuke, our cross dresser. He is spoiled, a little bratty, but his heart is in the right place most of the time. And he makes real friends with these crazy otaku woman even though he isn’t allowed to be a boy when he’s with them. Kuranosuke doesn’t let his families dislike for his clothing style get the best of him either. He wears his wigs, and heels with pride and confidence. And it’s something I adore about this character. Plus he looks smoking as a girl.
The animation is stunning in this series. And I think I say that about everything I watch, but it’s true. I am drawn to beautiful animation, and this show does not disappoint. The jellyfish anim
This is another series that I highly recommend everyone watch. I hope you all have a wonderful day and I’ll see you next time.
Friday, 5 February 2016
January Favourites.
The month of January is over, and now it's time to do a favourites list. And there have been quite a few things I've been loving this month, mostly Christmas gifts.
The first thing is the induction heat stove thingy. Thing is great. I'm full of anxiety about pretty much everything, and one of those things is gas stove tops. The flame makes me nervous, but this has no flame! And everything cooks really evenly, and really well and I really like it. The one down side is that you can't just use any pot on it. You need special induction heat pans and stuff. I only have one of those, but eventually I'll get more.
One of the things that I have fallen in love with this month is the "Warm Buddy" my grandmother got me for Christmas. And pretty much it's a sheep, and instead of regular stuffing, it's a bag of rice, and you put the bag of rice in the microwave, and heat it up. When the bag is warm, you put it back in the sheep and you have a warm little stuffy. It's great for cold nights or when I come in from outside. Keeps me toasty warm.
The last Christmas gift that I love is the used DSLR camera. It's the Canon Rebel 300 D, it's an older camera, and I adore it. However, there is a reason why you haven't seen any pictures from the camera yet, and that is because I left the battery charger back at my parents place and need to wait until March to get it back.
But let's move on from Christmas gifts, the next thing is cute fluffy anime. I've been watching a lot of sad movies lately (Inside Out and Big Hero Six) So, to balance all of that out, I've been watching cute anime. So look forward to another anime review.
One other thing that keeps me entertained while I'm working is youtube cooking videos. I love cooking, and baking so having a few new recipes to try out is going to be a lot of fun. As well as it's interesting to watch the techniques that are being used. So, while I'm knitting and sewing, I'm watching youtube cooking videos or anime.
I hope you all have a wonderful day, and let me know some of the things you've been enjoying in the comments below.
The first thing is the induction heat stove thingy. Thing is great. I'm full of anxiety about pretty much everything, and one of those things is gas stove tops. The flame makes me nervous, but this has no flame! And everything cooks really evenly, and really well and I really like it. The one down side is that you can't just use any pot on it. You need special induction heat pans and stuff. I only have one of those, but eventually I'll get more.
One of the things that I have fallen in love with this month is the "Warm Buddy" my grandmother got me for Christmas. And pretty much it's a sheep, and instead of regular stuffing, it's a bag of rice, and you put the bag of rice in the microwave, and heat it up. When the bag is warm, you put it back in the sheep and you have a warm little stuffy. It's great for cold nights or when I come in from outside. Keeps me toasty warm.
The last Christmas gift that I love is the used DSLR camera. It's the Canon Rebel 300 D, it's an older camera, and I adore it. However, there is a reason why you haven't seen any pictures from the camera yet, and that is because I left the battery charger back at my parents place and need to wait until March to get it back.
But let's move on from Christmas gifts, the next thing is cute fluffy anime. I've been watching a lot of sad movies lately (Inside Out and Big Hero Six) So, to balance all of that out, I've been watching cute anime. So look forward to another anime review.
One other thing that keeps me entertained while I'm working is youtube cooking videos. I love cooking, and baking so having a few new recipes to try out is going to be a lot of fun. As well as it's interesting to watch the techniques that are being used. So, while I'm knitting and sewing, I'm watching youtube cooking videos or anime.
I hope you all have a wonderful day, and let me know some of the things you've been enjoying in the comments below.
Tuesday, 2 February 2016
January wrap up, and tbr.
Alright, so the hectic month of January is over, and I have my wrap up, and what I’m going to be reading this month. This was a pretty decent month for reading. I’ve been getting out of my slump, and reading a lot more. So let’s go through the books that I’ve read this month.
Night by Elie Wiesel. I did a classic 101 on this book, and you can check it out: here
Hexwood by Dianna Wynne Jones I wrote a review for this book and you can read it:here. I was not very impressed with this book, and I found myself going back, trying to understand what was going on through the entire thing.
I finally finished Game of Thrones, and I will not be doing a review for that one, because you can find a million of them.
Station Eleven: The review for this book will be posted soon. But as a spoiler for the review, this book was me in book form. I loved it.
And I listened to The Martian by Andy Weir And I wasn't originally going to do a review, but after finishing it, I have so many thoughts and I want to share them. So look out for that in the future.
So onto this months tbr. February is a short month, so I have less time for reading. So I’ve picked out three books that I want to read this month.
Memoirs of a Geisha: I keep putting this one off in favour of other things, I have no idea why though. And there will be a review of this book.
And maybe the Adventures of Sherlock Holmes. I won't be doing anything for this book other than reading it.
I also might read Of Mice and Men by John Stenbeck. It's a super short book that I remember reading most of when I got to class early one day. It's something I remember really enjoying, and would like to finish. I will be writing a Classic 101 for this book.
I also might read Of Mice and Men by John Stenbeck. It's a super short book that I remember reading most of when I got to class early one day. It's something I remember really enjoying, and would like to finish. I will be writing a Classic 101 for this book.
And I’ll hopefully be listening to the Diviners by Libba Bray. I am not entirely sure if I am going to review this book, but if you want me to, I totally will!
So far for the year 2016 I have read 5/100 books. So I am off to a decent start. Let’s hope I can get more reading done in the next month!.
Sunday, 31 January 2016
Hexwood Book Review.

I was given this book a long time ago, and for some reason I could never finish it. As I am powering though it I remember why. It’s so confusing. I wish I could tell you what it’s about, but for me the book reads like a dream half remembered. I can’t piece anything together coherently.
The worlds are really interesting where I think there is a conspiracy or something going on in the future. And in the current time there is the answer to defeating the villain living in the forest as a young boy who is neither human nor Reigner the other creatures in this world.
From what I understood of the book the Reigners were people who controlled the whole of this futuristic society, and Mordion defied them, and was sent into exile. What gets really confusing is this guy is also in the Reigner world as well as the modern one.
Time doesn’t make sense in this world, so things change a lot, and they change really quickly. Our main hero Ann lives in the modern world, but every time she travels into the Bannus they are in a different time and Hume our prophesied hero is a different age every time.
I feel like this is one of those books you have to read a few times in order to get a handle on it. But it was just too much for me. I did finish it, and I left the book having no idea what was going on, or what at all happened in the book. I personally didn’t enjoy it, and personally didn’t get it. So this is a really short review but that’s just because I had no idea what was going on in this book what so ever. It was about as organized as this blog post.
Friday, 29 January 2016
Fashion Identity.
I've been going through a few changes in my life, especially when it comes to style and fashion. I have no idea what my style is anymore. But I decided to do a trip down memory lane to all of my weird style choices, and where I am going fashion wise.
My sense of style didn't really start emerging until high school. And in high school I was into the goth scene. And part of me still is. I loved the interesting fabrics used in goth clothing. And the idea of standing out appealed to me. As a kid, I was always that person people forgot about, and I really wanted to change that. And I thought if I dressed differently, I would get that and people would remember me. Not the case. But I was still very happy.
This part of my life took many different forms but still the same aesthetic. When I first started out I was really into more of a punk look. I wanted crazy hair, and in crazy hairstyles. But I was terrified of getting my hair cut. You get one bad hair cut, and you're afraid of ever cutting your hair at all.
Then after a while I moved into lolita fashion. Now, I did a lot of casual stuff, I never did anything that I would deem real lolita. It's an expensive fashion, and I never had the funds to buy anything. So I admired from afar. Until I found kodona.
Kodona was at the point to where I was struggling with my gender identity. And that is still a struggle of mine. But with kodona I could experiment looking like a boy. But I was still too scared to cut my hair off. And I had a lot of fun with kodona. I could look super classy and not have to spend a lot of money. But eventually I did cut all my hair off, and gave kodona another shot. I did however mix it with mori kei.
Then I went on exchange and my whole style did an almost 180. This was the point in my life where I was discovering mori kei, and more bohemian fashions. So I forwent my blacks, purples and reds, for creams, greens and browns. And that went one for a while.
Now we get to this point in my life. Where I have no idea what my fashion style is anymore. I've been getting back into the goth scene but in a different way. With mixing pastels, and stuff with black in a more kawaii, pastel goth type style. But at the same time, I still love the greens and browns of mori kei. Regardless of what I wear, I am still going to be a fairy prince. Just different types of fairy prince's.
My biggest issue with having these two drastically different styles is I do not have the money to fund a new wardrobe. But for now, I'll keep playing around with goth, and mori, and kawaii. It's been a fun ride. But right now I don't quite know where to go with my style. I think my next big steps are getting fashion wigs so I can change my looks on a whim.
I hope you guys enjoyed this post with old cringe worthy photos of me as a teenager. Hope you have a great day.
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Wow...goth me. I wasn't allowed to dye my hair at this point |
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This is my favourite outfit. I still wear this |
Then after a while I moved into lolita fashion. Now, I did a lot of casual stuff, I never did anything that I would deem real lolita. It's an expensive fashion, and I never had the funds to buy anything. So I admired from afar. Until I found kodona.
Kodona was at the point to where I was struggling with my gender identity. And that is still a struggle of mine. But with kodona I could experiment looking like a boy. But I was still too scared to cut my hair off. And I had a lot of fun with kodona. I could look super classy and not have to spend a lot of money. But eventually I did cut all my hair off, and gave kodona another shot. I did however mix it with mori kei.
Then I went on exchange and my whole style did an almost 180. This was the point in my life where I was discovering mori kei, and more bohemian fashions. So I forwent my blacks, purples and reds, for creams, greens and browns. And that went one for a while.
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This skirt makes me feel like a fairy. |
My biggest issue with having these two drastically different styles is I do not have the money to fund a new wardrobe. But for now, I'll keep playing around with goth, and mori, and kawaii. It's been a fun ride. But right now I don't quite know where to go with my style. I think my next big steps are getting fashion wigs so I can change my looks on a whim.
I hope you guys enjoyed this post with old cringe worthy photos of me as a teenager. Hope you have a great day.
Tuesday, 26 January 2016
Ore Monogatari full review.
So, I've mentioned that I've been trying to get through a few series this year, and already I've gotten through one. And the series is Ore Monogatari, or My Love Story. And if you want the quick version of this review, the answer is I loved it.
My Love Story is about a young man named Takeo. Takeo is not your average first year high school. And what makes Takeo different is he is a very tall, very burly looking man who through out the series is mistaken for an adult. Now, Takeo wants to find love, and through middle school every time he would go to ask a girl out, he would find the girl asking out his best friend Sunakawa. However, one day he saves a young girl on the train from a creeper. And his luck with love changes.
The series is so cute, and so sweet. Takeo is such a sweet guy, and the girl he falls in love with Yamato is the cutest thing in the world.
I love that this series plays with the trope of the pretty anime boy getting the girl. Instead it's the less conventionally attractive guy wins the heart of the girl. And he doesn't change his appearance at all. He's just himself.
It's such a feel good series that you can watch over and over again. I honestly have only one bad thing to say about it, and that's I wish there was more. The series hasn't been approved for a second season yet. So yes the ending left me wanting more, but the writers probably have other things planned for a second season.
The animation in this series is also beautiful, and is what initially drew me to the anime. But I stayed for the endearing characters, the cute romance, and just the love I have for Takeo and Yamato's relationship. As well, the art for the food Yamato makes is just stunning. Honestly, I would probably rewatch this again just for the cakes she eats.
So if you are searching for a feel good romantic comedy, I highly recommend Ore Monogatari.
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Takeo being Takeo |
My Love Story is about a young man named Takeo. Takeo is not your average first year high school. And what makes Takeo different is he is a very tall, very burly looking man who through out the series is mistaken for an adult. Now, Takeo wants to find love, and through middle school every time he would go to ask a girl out, he would find the girl asking out his best friend Sunakawa. However, one day he saves a young girl on the train from a creeper. And his luck with love changes.
The series is so cute, and so sweet. Takeo is such a sweet guy, and the girl he falls in love with Yamato is the cutest thing in the world.
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Rinko Yamato. |
It's such a feel good series that you can watch over and over again. I honestly have only one bad thing to say about it, and that's I wish there was more. The series hasn't been approved for a second season yet. So yes the ending left me wanting more, but the writers probably have other things planned for a second season.
The animation in this series is also beautiful, and is what initially drew me to the anime. But I stayed for the endearing characters, the cute romance, and just the love I have for Takeo and Yamato's relationship. As well, the art for the food Yamato makes is just stunning. Honestly, I would probably rewatch this again just for the cakes she eats.
So if you are searching for a feel good romantic comedy, I highly recommend Ore Monogatari.
Sunday, 24 January 2016
Cosplay Update.

Lately I've been designing what I want my Bill Cipher vest to look like, and what I want the tails to look like as well. Right now I'm working on embroidering the tails. Now since I have never done anything like this before by machine, let alone by hand, it's been a bit of a trial and error. But I'm making it work. So far I'm still not sure if I like the regular yellow thread or if I should get some real embroidery thread and a proper needle.
The only down side to that is it's going to cost me more money that I really don't want to spend. So maybe I'll stick with this for now, and wear it. and we'll see if I want to revamp it at a later date. Since I again stupidly forgot to bring home the vest, there is little I can do in the way of playing with it, and attaching the tails. So that's going to have to wait until March when I head back to the home town.
Next costume I am currently working on is Urushihara from the Devil is a Part Timer. The rest of this costume will be made at the home town. But I do have the DS painted. In the series you see the character either on the computer or playing a hand held gaming system. And I knew I had an old DS laying around that no one uses. So I decided let's paint it purple to match the rest of the colour palette of the character.

The last costume is fem Germany from Hetalia. There isn't a lot involved in that. I need to work out a lot more. As well as get over the ear headphones, and bleach my hair. But besides those two little things. I would say it's pretty much done. I mean, she wears a sports bra, jeans, boots, and a jacket over her shoulders. One thing I keep forgetting is the iron cross that I thing I might make out of wood. It'll be something that my family will have lots of scrap wood to make a little iron cross then paint it. It'll be sturdy enough, and I think it would look quite good.
If my brother and I were closer I could ask him to make me one out of scrap metal, but I'm not going to do that. I'll ask my dad's help during my week off in the spring. For now, that's all of the updates I have for you.
If you want to see my cosplay Facebook page then click: here and feel free to like it if you want. I need to update that page more, but I don't.
Have a wonderful day. :)
Friday, 22 January 2016
Classics 101: Night

As a bit of a warning and disclaimer, I am not an English expert. I am just someone who loves books, and loves to read, and has found different things in different books and wishes to share them with you. The warning is this post will be about Night by Elie Weisel a memoir about a Holocaust survivor. If that makes you uncomfortable or triggers you in any way, then I invite you to skip this post.
So this book is more of a work of non-fiction, but there is still a lot of mass symbolism especially to do with Jewish faith. Now, I am by far from an expert on Jewish symbols, or the Torah, so I'm not going to mention much about it.
One of the symbols that is talked about frequently is God. Especially pertaining to Weisel's feelings about life and death, and his place in the world. One of the lines that really stuck out with me was "But now, I no longer pleaded for anything. I was no longer able to lament. On the contrary, I felt very strong. I was the accuser, God the accused... I was nothing but ashes now, but I felt myself to be stronger than this Almighty to whom my life had been bound for so long. In the midst of these men assembled for prayer, I felt like an observer, a stranger"
Throughout the book, we read quite a bit about the struggle Weisel has with his belief in God, and his belief in the goodness of people. And I think this is something very important to take into account. Because life in the camps was not just a physical battle against hunger, and fatigue. But a battle against one's beliefs and one's faith. And with all that we know about the holocaust, that concept something that we cannot easily grasp. And I feel like this book does a wonderful job at tackling that particular battle.
This book is a very simple read in terms of language, but the topic is very difficult to stomach. There are scenes in the book that just tug so much at my heart and make me cry. Particularly when we get closer to the end of the book and Weisel's father dies. Weisel's writing is beautiful to read, but at the same time it doesn't beat around the bush with slightly disturbing content.
The last line in the book is also something very moving, "from the depths of the mirror, as corpse was contemplating me. The look in his eyes as he gazed at me has never left me." This book is incredibly good at describing the horrors of the camps, but doing so tastefully. With a topic like this, it's very easy to go overboard, and I feel like that's even more difficult when you have been there. But Elie Weisel does a good job of describing the conditions well enough so that a reader feels something, but not enough to turn a reader off.
This is a book that is supposed to disturb a reader. It's not meant to have happy endings. So this book is a challenge to read emotionally. There is also language that some may not understand, either because it's in German, or it's Hebrew. And if you guys really want me to, I can create a pdf glossary of sorts. I think knowing the words ahead of time might be quite useful in understand what is going on, and what things are.
I remember reading this book in Grade 10 history class an not being able to finish it because mentally I couldn't handle it. I do caution you about that. But this book is something especially now that we should take the time to read, and reflect on.
I hope this helped you understand a little bit about Night by Elie Weisel.
Tuesday, 19 January 2016
Bookish Pet Peeves.
Alright, so I've been seeing this on youtube a lot, and it's book people ranting about things either authors do, or book publishers do. And I wanted to make my own little list. So I chose five things that authors do, book publishers do, and as well readers do that just irk me. And just as a warning, this is a very rant-y post. And all of these things are just personal for me, and if you don't agree with them well that's your opinion.
1. Instalove/love triangles.
YA gets a huge reputation for having this. All of the characters fall in love instantly, and I understand that a book can only be so long, but at least have the characters have one conversation before falling in love. The useless love triangle thing just makes me mad. I've seen it done well in some occasions, but it's usually when the girl has her eyes already set on a man, and there is another dude falling in love with her as well. That I am okay with so long as she isn't stringing the other guy along, but I really don't care to read about what guy a girl is going to choose. To me, I find that a little bit sexist for lack of a better term. I'm sure in some dystopian novel this girl has more important things to worry about than what guy she is going to be with. Or a guy for that matter.
2. Reading plays like novels.
Alright, so I see this all the time with young people and Shakespeare. Plays are not novels! Plays yes can be read and enjoyed, but that's not where the medium thrives. You cannot expect a play to have all of the action of a novel. Plays are very much a visual medium and they combine so many different elements, from dance to music, to visual art, you cannot include all of that in a script. That's the directors job to make most of the creative decisions. As well, plays can't have "filler scenes" like novels do. Audiences get bored. And it drives me crazy when people read a play and expect it to be like a novel.
3. Dust Jackets.
When it comes to cover changes and stuff like that I'm generally pretty laid back. I mean, no they don't match, and I think it looks cool when books are different heights. But the one thing that makes me really mad is dust jackets. I know they are meant to protect your expensive hard cover book. I get that, but they are still so annoying. Especially when I am trying to read, and the dust jacket is slipping off. No, just no. It's why I prefer paper backs. I don't want to have to adjust the book every time it slips. No thank you. And if I take off the dust jacket, I usually loose it, or it gets creased or something, and it's just a lot of no.
4. Reading elitists.
Now, for me I feel like this can go both ways. It's more common to see those who read classics to shun those who read YA fiction. But I've experienced the exact opposite most often. And I think that's because of the level of popularity for YA books. But anyway, if I had a penny for every time I was called pretentious, or a nerd, or asked if I was only reading a book for school, I would be able to pay off my student loans. I like classics. That's the end of it. And yes, people can read classics for the sake of just enjoying a classic.
5. Romance for the sake of romance.
Alright, so you know you're sitting and enjoying an awesome book, with kick butt action, and huge problems that need to be solved, and then all of a sudden, romance. No. Just no. I'm sure when the world around a character is falling apart around them, the last thing they have on their minds is romance. And to make more annoying for me personally, is the fact that it's all straight couples. As someone who isn't straight, it just grinds my gears. I feel like I saw this a lot in Sarah J Maas's book Throne of Glass. That romance, love triangle thing did not need to be there. In some instances I'll allow it, but most of the time I just get annoyed.
So that was a long rant about books. I really want to make more book related content. So if you enjoy stuff like that, then you're in for a real treat! Let me know some of the things you dislike about books.
1. Instalove/love triangles.
YA gets a huge reputation for having this. All of the characters fall in love instantly, and I understand that a book can only be so long, but at least have the characters have one conversation before falling in love. The useless love triangle thing just makes me mad. I've seen it done well in some occasions, but it's usually when the girl has her eyes already set on a man, and there is another dude falling in love with her as well. That I am okay with so long as she isn't stringing the other guy along, but I really don't care to read about what guy a girl is going to choose. To me, I find that a little bit sexist for lack of a better term. I'm sure in some dystopian novel this girl has more important things to worry about than what guy she is going to be with. Or a guy for that matter.
2. Reading plays like novels.
Alright, so I see this all the time with young people and Shakespeare. Plays are not novels! Plays yes can be read and enjoyed, but that's not where the medium thrives. You cannot expect a play to have all of the action of a novel. Plays are very much a visual medium and they combine so many different elements, from dance to music, to visual art, you cannot include all of that in a script. That's the directors job to make most of the creative decisions. As well, plays can't have "filler scenes" like novels do. Audiences get bored. And it drives me crazy when people read a play and expect it to be like a novel.
3. Dust Jackets.
When it comes to cover changes and stuff like that I'm generally pretty laid back. I mean, no they don't match, and I think it looks cool when books are different heights. But the one thing that makes me really mad is dust jackets. I know they are meant to protect your expensive hard cover book. I get that, but they are still so annoying. Especially when I am trying to read, and the dust jacket is slipping off. No, just no. It's why I prefer paper backs. I don't want to have to adjust the book every time it slips. No thank you. And if I take off the dust jacket, I usually loose it, or it gets creased or something, and it's just a lot of no.
4. Reading elitists.
Now, for me I feel like this can go both ways. It's more common to see those who read classics to shun those who read YA fiction. But I've experienced the exact opposite most often. And I think that's because of the level of popularity for YA books. But anyway, if I had a penny for every time I was called pretentious, or a nerd, or asked if I was only reading a book for school, I would be able to pay off my student loans. I like classics. That's the end of it. And yes, people can read classics for the sake of just enjoying a classic.
5. Romance for the sake of romance.
Alright, so you know you're sitting and enjoying an awesome book, with kick butt action, and huge problems that need to be solved, and then all of a sudden, romance. No. Just no. I'm sure when the world around a character is falling apart around them, the last thing they have on their minds is romance. And to make more annoying for me personally, is the fact that it's all straight couples. As someone who isn't straight, it just grinds my gears. I feel like I saw this a lot in Sarah J Maas's book Throne of Glass. That romance, love triangle thing did not need to be there. In some instances I'll allow it, but most of the time I just get annoyed.
So that was a long rant about books. I really want to make more book related content. So if you enjoy stuff like that, then you're in for a real treat! Let me know some of the things you dislike about books.
Sunday, 17 January 2016
Writing and Writing Updates.
So, I've mentioned several times that I love writing. And I've been doing a lot more writing lately, and that makes me very happy. So, let me show you what I've been working on.
Well, first is my Nanowrimo novel. At the end of the month, the story was not finished. And I am still deciding if I am going to finish it. It has been difficult to sit there and write considering I was writing it in a bad place. For now I am putting it aside, and maybe I'll get around to finishing the first draft.
One thing is short stories and poems. I've been writing a lot of these, and if you want to see some of them and enjoy my writing please feel free to follow my writing blog here. Now these aren't everything I've been writing in terms of short stories and poems.
As I've mentioned in a previous post, I've wanted to make a book of poems, with a CD to accompany it. That I am pleased to say is currently being written. They are love poems, but they aren't all about loving another person. They are all about all kinds of love. I'm probably going to throw in something I wrote about my cat, so you have a bit of an idea. None of these will be able to be read until I have the thing finished though. I would like to have it done in the spring. But seeing as this is an ambitious project for someone who is only 19, we'll see how it goes.
Next is Camp Nanowrimo. Camp Nanowrimo is very similar to the event in November, but these events have a little bit more flexibility in word count. And they take place over the months of April and July. Yes I will be participating, but it's too early to tell if I'll be blogging about them. But if you want me to, I certainly will.
Since I was little, I've wanted to be a writer. And now I feel like that dream may actually happen. It's getting so close I can taste it. All of the advice I ever received from writers that I have met is "write lots." And that's what I feel like I'm finally doing. I feel like this is a lot of writing to be doing. And it makes me very happy.
I know my blog posting has been all over the place, but I am trying to get back on schedule. Thank you guys for sticking with me.
Well, first is my Nanowrimo novel. At the end of the month, the story was not finished. And I am still deciding if I am going to finish it. It has been difficult to sit there and write considering I was writing it in a bad place. For now I am putting it aside, and maybe I'll get around to finishing the first draft.
One thing is short stories and poems. I've been writing a lot of these, and if you want to see some of them and enjoy my writing please feel free to follow my writing blog here. Now these aren't everything I've been writing in terms of short stories and poems.
As I've mentioned in a previous post, I've wanted to make a book of poems, with a CD to accompany it. That I am pleased to say is currently being written. They are love poems, but they aren't all about loving another person. They are all about all kinds of love. I'm probably going to throw in something I wrote about my cat, so you have a bit of an idea. None of these will be able to be read until I have the thing finished though. I would like to have it done in the spring. But seeing as this is an ambitious project for someone who is only 19, we'll see how it goes.
Next is Camp Nanowrimo. Camp Nanowrimo is very similar to the event in November, but these events have a little bit more flexibility in word count. And they take place over the months of April and July. Yes I will be participating, but it's too early to tell if I'll be blogging about them. But if you want me to, I certainly will.
Since I was little, I've wanted to be a writer. And now I feel like that dream may actually happen. It's getting so close I can taste it. All of the advice I ever received from writers that I have met is "write lots." And that's what I feel like I'm finally doing. I feel like this is a lot of writing to be doing. And it makes me very happy.
I know my blog posting has been all over the place, but I am trying to get back on schedule. Thank you guys for sticking with me.
Wednesday, 13 January 2016
Series I want to see in 2016.
Now, usually through out the course of the year, I want to watch a few tv series. So here is a list of things I'll probably be watching in 2016, and of course, I put these into categories.
Ore Monogatari.
Alright, so I guess I'm going to this in there even though I finished it this morning. Ore monogatari is about a first year high school student, who is our unlikely hero of a beautiful love story. I feel in love with the premise of this series, and I am happy to say it did not disappoint. It was cute, and I cried, and I laughed, and all in all I loved this series. Which is why I'm throwing it on this list.
One Punch Man.
Now, I know very little about this series other than the main character is bald, and he can defeat villains in One Punch. It has me pretty intrigued, and I cannot wait to start watching this series.
Shougeki no Soma.
This is a cooking anime about a young boy named Soma who goes to this elite cooking school. From what I've heard this series is fun, and cute, and I cannot wait to watch it.
Live Tv:
The X-Files.
I started this a few months ago, but it being 9 seasons, it's safe to say it'll take me a while to finish. But I love all of the characters, and all of the mysteries that need to be solved. Think of this as CSI meets Twilight Zone. And they are getting a revival six episode series at the end of January, and that has me very excited.
I've never seen Firefly, but I've been told I need to, so this year, I want to watch it, and see what the fuss is about.
This is something else I've been told to watch, and haven't quite got around to it. But I promise, I'll start it!
Gravity Falls.
Now, you guys know that I have already seen Gravity Falls, but the series is finishing up, so that's why I'm including it on this list. There is one more episode I believe coming out in February, so I'll be of course watching that, and probably crying over it too.
And that's really it. It's a short list, but with everything else I have going on this year, I'm glad there aren't huge lists of shows I want to watch. I'll probably throw in a few more, and even do a full review of some of the series I've seen. For now, I'll talk to you soon! :)
Ore Monogatari.
Alright, so I guess I'm going to this in there even though I finished it this morning. Ore monogatari is about a first year high school student, who is our unlikely hero of a beautiful love story. I feel in love with the premise of this series, and I am happy to say it did not disappoint. It was cute, and I cried, and I laughed, and all in all I loved this series. Which is why I'm throwing it on this list.
One Punch Man.
Now, I know very little about this series other than the main character is bald, and he can defeat villains in One Punch. It has me pretty intrigued, and I cannot wait to start watching this series.
Shougeki no Soma.
This is a cooking anime about a young boy named Soma who goes to this elite cooking school. From what I've heard this series is fun, and cute, and I cannot wait to watch it.
Live Tv:
The X-Files.
I started this a few months ago, but it being 9 seasons, it's safe to say it'll take me a while to finish. But I love all of the characters, and all of the mysteries that need to be solved. Think of this as CSI meets Twilight Zone. And they are getting a revival six episode series at the end of January, and that has me very excited.
I've never seen Firefly, but I've been told I need to, so this year, I want to watch it, and see what the fuss is about.
This is something else I've been told to watch, and haven't quite got around to it. But I promise, I'll start it!
Gravity Falls.
Now, you guys know that I have already seen Gravity Falls, but the series is finishing up, so that's why I'm including it on this list. There is one more episode I believe coming out in February, so I'll be of course watching that, and probably crying over it too.
And that's really it. It's a short list, but with everything else I have going on this year, I'm glad there aren't huge lists of shows I want to watch. I'll probably throw in a few more, and even do a full review of some of the series I've seen. For now, I'll talk to you soon! :)
Friday, 8 January 2016
New Years Resolutions.
So I am a little late for this, but I blame my little hiatus. But here are the goals I have for 2016.
Read more.
So, I've talked about this before, I want to read more. This year I want to read 100 books, and put the books back in Basil's Books and Things. As well as I want to expand the types of books I read. I want to read more classics, and more adult books, and different types of YA books, and nonfiction books. And you'll get to be along for the ride.
Open my etsy shop.
I've talked about this just a little. And I am happy to say, I've started making things for the shop. I cannot share any of those yet, but soon you'll get to see the things I've been making to sell. Right now there are a lot of different things I want to make for the shop from bath stuff, to cute accessories for cold climates. So hopefully by late winter, early spring I will have that up and running.
Write more.
I'm going to be talking about this in another blog post. But essentially I want to write something every day. Even if it's just a blog post. I want to write something everyday.
Get healthier.
I feel like this is on everyone's New Years resolution list every year. But it's a good thing to try and work towards. I don't only want to be physically healthier, but mentally as well. But I feel like with my mental health I need to literally start rebuilding all over again.
Create more.
There are a lot of things I want to make, and a lot of things I want to do. I want to do more art, and more photography, and more cosplays. And there are a million things I want to do, and hopefully this will be the year where those things get done.
Use more photos.
Up until recently, my blog has been pretty much all text. And that's been mostly because I haven't had a decent camera to work with. Now I have one, and I can add some hopefully beautiful photos to my blogposts.
I hope you guys have awesome plans for 2016! :)
Read more.
So, I've talked about this before, I want to read more. This year I want to read 100 books, and put the books back in Basil's Books and Things. As well as I want to expand the types of books I read. I want to read more classics, and more adult books, and different types of YA books, and nonfiction books. And you'll get to be along for the ride.
Open my etsy shop.
I've talked about this just a little. And I am happy to say, I've started making things for the shop. I cannot share any of those yet, but soon you'll get to see the things I've been making to sell. Right now there are a lot of different things I want to make for the shop from bath stuff, to cute accessories for cold climates. So hopefully by late winter, early spring I will have that up and running.
Write more.
I'm going to be talking about this in another blog post. But essentially I want to write something every day. Even if it's just a blog post. I want to write something everyday.
Get healthier.
I feel like this is on everyone's New Years resolution list every year. But it's a good thing to try and work towards. I don't only want to be physically healthier, but mentally as well. But I feel like with my mental health I need to literally start rebuilding all over again.
Create more.
There are a lot of things I want to make, and a lot of things I want to do. I want to do more art, and more photography, and more cosplays. And there are a million things I want to do, and hopefully this will be the year where those things get done.
Use more photos.
Up until recently, my blog has been pretty much all text. And that's been mostly because I haven't had a decent camera to work with. Now I have one, and I can add some hopefully beautiful photos to my blogposts.
I hope you guys have awesome plans for 2016! :)
Tuesday, 5 January 2016
100 Book Challenge+January TBR.
So, for 2015 I'll be the first to admit, I did not read as much as I wanted to. Life just got in the way. But 2016 one of my many new years resolutions is to read more. And this year, I want to read 100 books.
There is a website called the 50 book pledge here and they offer contests and help you track how many books you read. Now for me at least 50 doesn't seem like a lot of books. I want to challenge myself a little more. Through the site you can change the amount of books your read (fact check that). So, I'm going to try and read 100 books this year.
Now, I am not going to be super hard on myself if I cannot complete it. But still, I am going to try.
And in light of this challenge, my tbr posts will change a little bit. They'll include a little wrap up, and how many books I've managed to complete in total, it's not a huge change, but there is something. This will begin when I give you my February tbr pile.
Anyway, onto this months tbr pile!
So, the first books I want to finish are A Game of Thrones by George R.R Martin.... yeah, I'm still not finished it, but I am so determined to finish it this months. The holidays got in my way. As well as Hexwood by Diana Wynne Jones. I was debating not even adding it to this list because I only have 100 pages left, but I'll throw it in there as well. And I will be doing a review on that.
The books I want to read are Memoirs of a Geisha. It wasn't a book that I got around to last month, but I'm getting back into reading more than one book at a time. So hopefully this will allow me to read more books.
The next book I'll be listening to is Station Eleven by Emily St. John Mendel. It was a Christmas gift, and I know nothing about it, other than it takes place in my city! I'll be doing a book review of this book!
And I'll be listening to some audio books. I found with audible it gives you a credit every month! So that's a free book every month, which I had no idea! So, I'll be listening to The Martian by Andy Weir. Since this book is so popular I'm not going to do a book a review on it unless you really want to read my thoughts.
Any way, there is my long list of books to read this month. Hopefully life won't get in the way, and I'll be able to make more time to read.
There is a website called the 50 book pledge here and they offer contests and help you track how many books you read. Now for me at least 50 doesn't seem like a lot of books. I want to challenge myself a little more. Through the site you can change the amount of books your read (fact check that). So, I'm going to try and read 100 books this year.
Now, I am not going to be super hard on myself if I cannot complete it. But still, I am going to try.
And in light of this challenge, my tbr posts will change a little bit. They'll include a little wrap up, and how many books I've managed to complete in total, it's not a huge change, but there is something. This will begin when I give you my February tbr pile.
Anyway, onto this months tbr pile!
So, the first books I want to finish are A Game of Thrones by George R.R Martin.... yeah, I'm still not finished it, but I am so determined to finish it this months. The holidays got in my way. As well as Hexwood by Diana Wynne Jones. I was debating not even adding it to this list because I only have 100 pages left, but I'll throw it in there as well. And I will be doing a review on that.
The books I want to read are Memoirs of a Geisha. It wasn't a book that I got around to last month, but I'm getting back into reading more than one book at a time. So hopefully this will allow me to read more books.
The next book I'll be listening to is Station Eleven by Emily St. John Mendel. It was a Christmas gift, and I know nothing about it, other than it takes place in my city! I'll be doing a book review of this book!
And I'll be listening to some audio books. I found with audible it gives you a credit every month! So that's a free book every month, which I had no idea! So, I'll be listening to The Martian by Andy Weir. Since this book is so popular I'm not going to do a book a review on it unless you really want to read my thoughts.
Any way, there is my long list of books to read this month. Hopefully life won't get in the way, and I'll be able to make more time to read.
Sunday, 3 January 2016
I'm back!

Having some time away from the computer and the internet has helped in the ways of mental health, and put things back into perspective. I have lots of ideas for the future, and I feel much more refreshed.
However, I will be doing this internet hiatus thing twice a year, once in the winter, and once in the summer. I think it's hugely important to put away the gadgets once in a while. But, I am in no way condemning the use of them. I grew up with the beginnings of the internet, where most families had at least one computer in their home, and I see the use of them. But at the same time I see how they take over.

The last week has been incredible with watching movies with the family, and walking through the snow. Just enjoying personal time.
I have one more week in my hometown, and this week I hope to get a few things done as well. Like find my yellow thread so I can actually work on my Bill Cipher cosplay. It's my one regret this week that I couldn't work on that. All because I couldn't find my yellow thread.
But for now I am back on a regular blogging schedule, and I am so glad to be back.

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