So, not gonna lie, I just found this by searching 'book tags' and I found this, so I thought it would be fun to do a book tag! So let's jump right in. I'll post a link below to where I got the questions.
1: Do you have a certain space at home for reading?
I have a chair that I love to curl up and read in. But right now it's covered in clothes. I have a desperate need to do laundry.
2: Bookmark, or random piece of paper.
Random piece of paper usually. I always lose book marks, so I don't want to spend a lot of money on them. A random piece of paper is just easier for me.
3: Can you stop reading at any spot, or do you need to stop at a certain chapter, page, ect.
I like to stop generally at the page closest to the front cover. But other than that I can stop reading at any point.
4: Do you eat or drink while reading?
I make myself a cup of tea, but I always forget about it. As for food, I like having little snacks to nibble on while I'm reading.
5: Can you read while watching tv or listening to music?
I'd rather not have a lot of distractions. I'm okay with reading to instrumental music, but most of the time I would rather read with just white noise. I get distracted too easily.
6: One book at a time, or several?
Several! I love having different stories to jump around to. And if I get blocked on one, I can just jump to another.
7: Reading at home or everywhere?
I take my books with me pretty much where ever I go. I live a little ways out of downtown, so reading on the bus or train is something that keeps me entertained.
8: Reading out loud, or silently?
Silently. Are there people who still read out loud? Hmm, that's not something I've heard of.
9: Read ahead or skip pages?
I often times read the very last page. I don't know why, but it's a weird quirk that I have. I'm generally pretty okay when it comes to spoilers, so I guess reading the last page adds a little bit of mystery.
10: Breaking the spine or keep it new?
I keep it new. Not for any reason other than the fact, I don't need to break the spine if I'm reading. I'm not picky about it, it's just the amount of space I need to read.
11: Do you write in books?
NO! That is my one thing I don't like! I hate writing in books. For classics, and reviews I'll jot a few notes down on a scrap of paper, but I will never write inside a book.
I hope you guys enjoyed this little tag. I may actually do more of them in the future this was fun.
Questions: here
That was interesting! I might borrow it for my blog, if that's all right. ^u^
Go right ahead! I don't mind. :)