Over the Garden Wall is about half brothers Wirt, and Greg (as well as Greg's frog) and their journey through the Unknown trying to get back home. Now, not to give too much away, but in the first episode the boys are warned of a monster simply called The Beast who lives in the woods. The ten episodes show Wirt and Greg's journey trying to find their way home and the people they meet.
At first glance this show isn't all that much. But if you watch it all the way through, you will find so many beautiful moments. The story is bitter sweet, and the characters are endearing, and the animation is beautiful. The series to me is like a fairy tale, folklore, Beatrix Potter mixed in with something out of either Neil Gaiman's head or Tim Burtons. I could honestly go on about this series for hours. But there is just so much to it.

The main protagonist Wirt is so relatable to me. He is awkward, and timid, and can't really talk to girls. But at the same time, he cares so much about those he interacts with on a personal level. And he is clever, and kind. Greg on the other hand is a big goof ball, but so intelligent in his own special way. He is cute, and charming and he just brings a smile to your face. Greg I believe is the braver of the two, and easily the more optimistic. Despite the dark elements of the show, Greg is always there to create some light moments.
Another important character is Beatrice the bluebird. And I love her so much. She is sassy, and driven, she is someone who knows what she wants. But she does take it too far, and I think that's what I love about her character. I don't want to give too much away, so all I'll say is this: she doesn't really do what's right until it's too late. It's hinted that she wants to, but she doesn't do anything about it. And for some strange reason, I adore that personal struggle with her character.

Finally, there isn't a good show without a good villain. And The Beast is terrifying! Even though we never see more than just an silhouette of The Beast, the design is just so creepy. There is very little that we as an audience know about The Beast. And personally, I think that makes him even scarier.
I cannot stop thinking about this show, and I recommend it to any one who just needs something new to watch. Over the Garden Wall is really a breath of fresh air.
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